Abhinav is now in it's 37th year of existence and we have so many stories to share. There have been so many wonderful people who became a part of the Abhinav family in all these years. There have been so many wonderful experiences that we have all had. Somehow I wasn't able to document these neatly enough.
I had attempted to begin this work 12 years ago with the Silver Jubilee of Abhinav. It, however, remained a one-time affair. Facebook posts and my randomly updated blogs could never do justice to the vast memories I have, or the wealth of stories that many would like to share. So here is another start. And this time we are here to stay.
What's Different?
We began as a state board school and about 10 years ago, we changed to ICSE. This has given me some flexibility in arranging the curriculum. Socially Useful Productive Work is at the heart of the Gandhian philosophy of education as also the central principle of Abhinav's founder and my mother - Mrs. Mangala Soni. The idea is to enable students to be able to work together with their head, heart and hands and be useful to themselves, their families and the larger community.
This year, it struck me that I could have a sustained enterprise among the senior students where they not only contribute articles to the magazine but also, they Run the Show, mostly all by themselves. They will be the editors, the proof readers, the copy-writers, the fact-checkers, the art designers, the photographers, the video loggers and the social media managers. I hope to set up the project so that every year the outgoing batch trains the incumbent one and the process goes on with little interference from teachers or management.
How will the seniors benefit?
Apart from the marks they will get in their report cards, each senior student will gain a huge experience in various fields like writing articles, blogging, editing, collaboration technologies and mass media. They also stand to learn the art of communication and be able to express themselves whatever their passions.
What's in it for others?
Every child, teacher, office person and parent can contribute with their thoughts and creativity. Younger students will benefit from reading the thoughts and information shared by the older ones. Teachers can give a vent to their own passions other than their regular subjects. Many parents have some or the other talents which could be showcased here. Past students can use this to be in touch with their Alma Mater and keep the excitement of their school lives, alive in their hearts. I hope that this will bring the Abhinav community closer and also foster some healthy discussions.
The seniors are very excited with this venture and are working furiously to make this a wonderful and lasting project. In fact, they are working much more professionally than I could expect even of myself. I urge you all to contribute with your thoughts and comments and encourage our students to explore themselves and the world they live in.
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