Astrophotography is photographing objects in the night sky such as the moon, the planets, constellations etc. These objects are pretty dim, except for the moon. This presents certain challenges and therein lies the fun. Advanced amateurs often use digital cameras with manual settings to overcome these challenges. Here I am going to talk about beginners who have only a decent mobile camera to work with. I assume a minimum of 32 megapixel camera with an app allowing for manual settings for exposure, ISO, etc. And yes, this piece is for the completely uninitiated, hence the simple language. The challenges with a mobile camera Objects being dim means that they give very little light compared to daylight. Although our eyes can see them (because by some accounts, our eyes are a few hundred Gigapixel cameras) the camera sensors cannot. This often results in the object being invisible in the photograph. Objects being small makes it difficult for the sensors to pick up the light. Camera senso
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