Here are your projects X CA (2015-16).
Each project must be
- User-friendly (proper prompts and announcements to the user and good error-handling)
- Reader-friendly (documentation in code about what each class, method, data member is for or does)
- Generic (should apply to as many cases within the problem as possible, in other words assume the least)
- Object-Oriented (instead of making one long class, make many classes to properly hide data and keep things simple)
- It must be compiled as an app (albeit CUI-based) to run on any windows system. Different compiles may be needed for 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
You can team up in numbers up to 3 for each project, singles are also allowed. You get a week from this announcement to submit the source code and its compiled object code in a zip file (which includes any special libraries you may have created / used) as an email to me.
Projects for X CA
1. Phone Book: Make a database which accepts user defined number of records where each record contains the first name, surname and the contact number of each contact. This database should also be able to sort the records by any of these three fields (columns) in ascending or descending manner as requested by the user.
2. Student Record: Make a database which accepts user defined number of records where each record contains the name of a student and his / her marks in any two user defined subjects. This database should be able to rank the students by either subject and also give the average score per subject.
3. Graphic Toolkit: Make a program which can create basic shapes (lines, triangles & squares) using characters on the screen after accepting – a) type of shape, b) dimensions of shape, c) hollow / filled (i.e. space between boundaries is filled with blanks or characters) – from the user.
4. Table Plotter: Make a program which plots tables of the following kinds – a) multiplication tables (up to multiplication by 10), b) squares, c) cubes - after gathering the type and the numbers up to which to plot (i.e. multiplication tables up to 12 or squares up to 10, etc) from the user. The tables should be neatly formatted using spacers and lines (| , _ , -).
5. Number System Convertor: Make a program which converts binary / octal numbers to decimal numbers and decimal numbers to binary / octal, as desired by the user. This program should be able to accept large numbers and also single precision numbers
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